Fiona Gallagher Naturopath

About Me!

What excites me:

Herbal medicine, the power of foods to heal, meditation, creative visualisation, the inspiration from mother nature, laughter, tears, empathy, music, the comfort of friendship, the delight in giving, the capacity of the body to heal itself given the right circumstances.

I have been involved in natural medicine for nearly 20 years . It is my passion, a part of who I am and what I love. I studied at Nature Care College and have diplomas in Naturopathy, Botanical Medicine, Nutrition and Remedial Therapies. I am qualified in Bach flowers and Iridology. I have a Bachelor of Commerce from UNSW and worked in the corporate world before my herb change.

I now have a clinic at home overlooking the sea at Clovelly in Sydney's eastern suburbs.

Member of A.T.M.S. Health rebates available.
